Circulation Fulfillment Services, Magazine Fulfillment, Subscription Fulfillment, Circulation Management, BPA

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  • Circulation Fulfillment, Full and Partial Service
  • Email Blasts for Renewals, New Promos, Newsletters, etc.
  • Subscriber Link from Publishers Home Page (allows readers to subscribe, renew and update their subscription online.)
  • ZIP + 4 ,Cass, Postal Presorts and Bar-coding
  • Dupe Purge and Mail Merge
  • Personalized Laser Printing
  • List Rental Fulfillment

    IFS, Inc. All rights reserved

    Circulation Fulfillment, Magazine Fulfillment, Subscription Fulfillment, Circulation Management, BPA, Business Magazines, Business Publications, Trade Pubs, Subscription Management, Trade Publications, IFS, Independent Fulfillment, Independent Fulfillment Service, IFS, Email Blast, Emailing, Blasting, Central, Email Cmapaign, E-Mail, Circuclation, Direct Mailing, Circulation Fulfillment, Magazine Circulation, Direct Mail, Online Subscription, Online Subscription Hosting, Renwals, Campaigns, Email Verify, Email Verfication, DBF, ASCII, Tab Delimited, Comman Delimited,Flash Counts,Programming, Graphics, Forms, Database, Personalization, Service, Publisher, Laser Letters, Scan, Scanning, Revice, Revision, Change, Modify, File Selection, File Selected, Merge, Merge Perge, Zip+4, Zip +4, Postal, Postal Presorts, Presorts, Presort, Postal Presort, Laser Printing, Letter, letters, legal, Letter shop, inserts, mailing inserts, meter, first class, supplies, BPA, BPA Trade Publication, Subscribe, Subscriber, Subscription, Maintenance, List rental, Mail merge, Cass, Cass Certification, News Letters, newsletters, Comp/promo, comp promo, promo, online subscriber demo, demo, hosting, online database, online databasing,, wwwire, ebc, email blast central, independent fulfillment service, ifs, fulfillment service, circulation service, NY, new york